Sunday, June 12, 2011

Educational Philosophy

            An educational philosophy statement is a very useful tool for anyone who teaches.  Teaching can involve everything from teaching students to teaching teachers.  The world is changing fast and anyone who is not familiar with technology will be left behind.
            Education has a broad purpose.  Education is the basis of everything in this world.  You have to be taught at some point to do almost everything.  A person who is doing nothing but cooking French fries at McDonald’s even has to be taught how many fries to put in each basket and which button to push for the timer.  In that same aspect, technology is everywhere and in everything.  Watches even now have a type of computer chip in them to keep time.  Everyone must be educated in some aspect regardless of what they do and this is why education and technology is such an important part of every person’s life.
            The role of the teacher and the learner in education go hand in hand.  The teacher must know the material and how to implement technology into the lesson to benefit everyone and at the same time the student must have an idea about the lesson and be willing to work with the teacher to help them with the technology.  Students sometimes play the role of teacher and teachers sometimes play the role of students.  With technology advancing as fast as it is today, some older teachers know less about technology than the students.
            I believe that technology must be a part of teaching.  There are some things that I will find hard to integrate technology into but other things will be extremely easy.  I am going to try to use as much technology in my classes as possible.  I will use the computer and projector to do a number of things from using websites and YouTube to going through step by step dissection for my biology class. 
            I expect my students to enjoy my class and learn more than they would learn in any other normal class.  I expect to learn from my students.  I want to learn about their life, their hopes, their expectations of me and the class.  I expect my fellow teachers to keep me in check and for us to learn from one another about ways of implementing technology to benefit students, teachers, and everyone we come in contact with.  The more we know the easier life will be.
            As you can see there are many things to do when it comes to technology.  Technology takes multiple people to implement.  This is a long process but teaching using technology and teaching technology is something that will help both students and teachers to be more educated and will help us both succeed in life.

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