Sunday, June 26, 2011

Blog Reflection Week 3

The Assessment for Learning that I relate to the most is AFL should be sensitive and constructive because any assessment has an emotional impact.  This has been very important to me since I have been in college since a lot of my classes have been based on test scores only.  I have also seen students who have given up simply because they cannot pass the test.  I know of at least four students that I have taught in the past that could do all the work very easily but since they could not pass the test they just gave up.  I have never given up because I couldn’t pass the test but I have gotten very upset because of low grades when I turn in the work and make A’s but when it came to the test I failed them. 

            The main purpose of a portfolio that I may use will be to use them as study material.  Students can go back and look at work they have done in the past and use the information to help them succeed in the future.  My son, my wife, and I have all been guilty of needing some work we have done in the past to relate back to but cannot find it.  If we had put it in a portfolio, especially an electronic one, we would always have the work to look back on.  I will continue to do a portfolio to help aid me in all my future work in both school and career.

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