Sunday, July 10, 2011

Blog Reflection Week 5

I have realized this semester that technology is more important than I thought. We must be able to use and teach technology in order to succeed in this ever changing world. I have found new ways that I can communicate with my students as well as colleagues. My philosophy has pretty much stayed the same though. I am sure it will change and grow as needed as I go farther in my career and my schooling.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Blog Reflection Week 4

The group I most closely relate to is the digitally literate. I have been using computers since I was in 6th grade. I can do most things on a computer but I have learned most of it thru trial and error. I have known life without the internet but I enjoy having it. The internet can make you very lazy though. When I did not have the internet to play games on or surf, I would ride my bike and walk at least 100 miles a week. Now I don't even own a bike and the most I walk is when I am shopping. I believe the internet is a great thing and it has given many opportunities to do things that we never could have done before. I can go a museum in Paris and never leave my house. The internet needs to be regulated for everyone, especially students. If there was no internet or 5000 different video games and consoles for kids to play today, we would not have the obesity problem we have today. I believe kids should be allowed no more than 5 hours a week of free internet play and be made to stay outside and play for at least 12 hours a week.